40th Anniversary Memories Photos

40th anniversary Quartet from behind
40th anniversary Quartet from behind

Anne, Bonnie, Barb, and Laurie
IMG 5436 40th Anniversary Cade
IMG 5436 40th Anniversary Cade
IMG 5441 40th anniversary attendees
IMG 5441 40th anniversary attendees
IMG 5442 40th anniversary Quartet front view
IMG 5442 40th anniversary Quartet front view
IMG 5446 40th anniversary St Croix Chordsmen quartet
IMG 5446 40th anniversary St Croix Chordsmen quartet
IMG 5444 40th anniversary listening to everyone introduce themselves
IMG 5444 40th anniversary listening to everyone introduce themselves
IMG 5447 40th anniversary current chorus singing back row view
IMG 5447 40th anniversary current chorus singing back row view
IMG 5449 40th anniversary after party at Acopulco 1
IMG 5449 40th anniversary after party at Acopulco 1

Katherine, Barb, Jenny M, Carol, Lois, and Brandon
IMG 5451 40th anniversary after party Acapulco 2
IMG 5451 40th anniversary after party Acapulco 2

Laurie M, Linda, Audrey, Judy, Bonnie, Jennifer
IMG 5454 40th anniversary after party alumni singers
IMG 5454 40th anniversary after party alumni singers