Office Bearers

Board Of Directors


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Kim Grossmann


The President is the chief executive officer of the chapter and the President shall see that all orders and resolutions of the chapter and Board of Directors are effected. The President shall preside over all meetings of the membership and the board. The President shall be ex officio, without vote, a member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee. The President shall be acquainted with the activities of all the officers and committees. It shall be the President's duty to see that all committees function and that all officers fulfill their duties. (See most current bylaws for accurate wording)

The President shall act as chapter liaison to both Regional and International organizations.
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Vice President:

Jackie Patrick


The vice president will perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President if the President is not available. She also is responsible for chorus property. The Bylaws and Standing Rules are part of this position.
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Sarah Schaffer


SECRETARY - Position description is being updated spring 2024.

The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings and file them in a permanent minute's book of the chapter.

She shall maintain current copies of Chapter Standing Rules, a list of all committees and membership attendance records if applicable.

The Secretary shall keep in books or files of the chapter a clear and complete record of chapter correspondence.

She shall provide chapter correspondence in weekly Hot Sheets, Board and Chapter Meeting Minutes and meeting notices as required by the Chapter Standing Rules.

The Secretary shall oversee Grant Writing and Sponsorship correspondence.
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Linda Thueson


The Treasurer shall have custody of all chapter funds and securities and shall keep in books belonging to the chapter full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the deposit of all money, securities and other valuable effects in such depositories as may be designated for that purpose by the Board of Directors.

The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the chapter as may be ordered by the Board of Directors, taking proper receipts for such disbursements. All checks, drafts and orders for payment of money shall be signed in the name of the chapter by the Treasurer and countersigned by such other officers, if any, as the board in its discretion may designate. The Treasurer shall render at the annual business meeting, and whenever requested by the President or Board of Directors, a report of all transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the chapter.

The books of the Treasurer shall be audited annually at the close of the fiscal year as directed by the Board of Directors the cost, if any, to be borne by the chapter.

She will oversee Ways & Means, member escrow accounts and other chorus fundraising activities.
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Co Treasurer:

Jennifer Veenendall


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Music and Membership:

Bev Williams


This board position oversees the membership and music functions of the Chapter. She may assign members to assist with duties which may include Sunshine Chair, Social Chair, Attendance Chair
The Music & Membership Director leads the POP (Performance Opportunity Program).
She also acts as liaison to the Music Team. The Music & Membership Director shall see that all membership matters are resolved in a sensitive and timely manner and that all membership activities run seamlessly.
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Chapter Administration


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Lois Barrett


Maintains the format of the website, oversees input of information by board members/or designee. Assigns access levels. Responds to login and password questions.
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